Community Bible Church of Holly Springs is committed to the glory of God the Father through exalting His Son, our Savior, Lord, and coming King, sharing our Lord's gracious offer of forgiveness for sin, caring for His children while encouraging them to grow in Christ-likeness, equipping the saints for ministry, and displaying our Lord's priorities and characteristics in our community.
We joyfully participate in collective and corporate worship of our great Triune God, led by the Holy Spirit in glorifying the Father by exalting the Son our Savior, Redeemer, Friend, and coming King before whom all will bow and whom all tongues will confess as Lord.
We strive to grow in the grace of our Savior Jesus Christ, seeking to ever more deeply know Him and increasingly be like Him and to develop and exercise the specific spiritual gifts provided by the Holy Spirit to each believer for the role our God intends each of us to play in this life.
We take up our Savior’s commitment to us of His ministry of reconciliation so that compelled by His love we individually and collectively implore our fellow human beings to be reconciled to their Creator.
join us in worship
Our Church is located at:
2515 Holly Springs Road
Inman, South Carolina 29349.
2515 Holly Springs Road
Inman, South Carolina 29349.
Service Times
* Sunday School – 9:15 a.m.
* Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening Fellowship – 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer – 7:00 p.m.
Nursery, children’s church, and children’s Sunday school provided.
On the fourth Sunday of each month, we join together in a fellowship meal after the morning worship service in lieu of an evening worship service.